From big oil to bigfoot


From big oil to bigfoot Adrian Erickson is hopeful his big ambitions of finding sasquatch will pan out. In 2001, while hiking through Jasper, Alberta, Adrian Erickson encountered a sasquatch — a sighting that would mark his second encounter with the elusive creature. His first sighting, at age seven, happened on a hike with his … Read more

Langara instructors speak on uncertainty for future employment

Langara Faculty Association member, Niall Christie,

Langara instructors speak on uncertainty for future employment The Langara Faculty Association pleads for college intervention for permanent positions One-third of Langara instructors work term-by-term, facing uncertainty each semester about whether their employment will be renewed, according to the Langara Faculty Association. From Oct. 21 to 25, the LFA held its annual campus wide campaign, … Read more