Story Monkey's Creative Team

Content Creation in Port Moody

jen homer writer

Jennifer Timer

Co-Owner, Senior Writer & Editor
Jennifer is a word geek. Her role as Co-Owner and Senior Writer/Editor for Lethologica means she gets to geek out playing with words and editing grammar all day ("Really, I'm on Facebook for work!"). You can feel confident that your company’s content is in the right hands: Jen is an award-winning author with a 25+ year career in writing, from short horror stories to published scientific papers, and expert research skills acquired during her Master's and PhD education. Also a Certified Social Media Marketing Strategist and Certified Marketing Strategist, Jen is a staunch adherent to the Oxford comma.
bOB HOmer

bOB HOmer

Co-Owner, Digital Marketing Director
bOB HOmer is the Co-Founder and Digital Marketing Director of Lethologica. bOB’s artistic vision extends across all media and reflects his art school training. His superior knowledge and ongoing education in all things web- and SEO-related affords him the expertise to be lead on all web projects, making him your best resource for inbound marketing excellence. bOB has been bringing his unique vision to art and the web for over 20 years.

Be Part of Our Team

We also have a plethora of freelance writers on our team, each with their individually unique skills and industry knowledge.

Want to join this global team? Just apply and we'll get in touch.